Sunday, 5 October 2014

The Little Free Library Movement

 So, in case you haven't noticed, I have become OBSESSED with the Little Free Library Movement since discovering there are 2 (that I know of) in Grimsby already.  They are beyond cute and the most basic, yet important, idea ever!

If you are not familiar with the premise and history of the program, I would suggest you read a bit about their history here -

I have been a lifelong lover of books.  Even the smell of them makes me happy.  And yes, I do realize this is strange.  But let's be honest, the smell of a bookstore is amazing!  You know you've had that feeling of relaxation the moment you walked into one.

Books have always done that for me.  When I was a kid, they were an escape.  An escape into a world that was better than my own.  A world where good always triumphed over evil, where the Princess always get her Prince Charming (which I would learn later in life sometimes takes 40 years and a few frogs along the way), and where Ferdinand the bull could sit "just quietly under the cork tree smelling the flowers" and that was just fine.  :)  I swear I borrowed that book from the library at least 50 times as a kid.  And I bought it for my own son when he was little and we have literally worn it out.  

As an adult, books have become a source of information.  To learn about difficult topics like addiction and depression - both of which have touched my life in various forms.  To hear the expertise of doctors, therapists, and other parents, in learning how to best help a child with debilitating anxiety.

And to escape........because there is nothing better than being sucked into Gone Girl, The Kiterunner, or Three Cups of Tea and not realizing that the hours are ticking by.

And so, after much discussion with my 12-year-old son, who is also a book-lover, we have made it our mission to bring another Little Free Library to Grimsby.  One right here in our own neighbourhood.  One right here on our own front lawn.  My significant other was not quite as enthusiastic, but soon realized that he was heavily outnumbered. Yay!  :)

There should be nothing more universal than a love of books.  And what better way to bring a neighbourhood together than to allow them to "Take A Book, Leave A Book" whenever they choose.  So simple.  So brilliant!

We have some great ideas so far, but are still in the early planning stages.  We are hoping for a spring "launch" of our Little Free Library, and will continue to keep you posted of our progress along the way.  I am hoping to launch a Facebook page for this project soon so that you can more easily follow our progress, and I will post that link here in the near future.

Until then, thank you for continuing to take the time to visit this blog, and for sharing it with your friends.  

~ The Lazy Gourmet

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